Now that I have your attention .... as I've said before, there’s always something going on at the Wellfleet Public Library. This week library-goers – and non-library-goers – can admire the amazing birdhouses, created by Cape Codders, to benefit the Sampson Fund.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wellfleet's Library Goes to the Birds
Now that I have your attention .... as I've said before, there’s always something going on at the Wellfleet Public Library. This week library-goers – and non-library-goers – can admire the amazing birdhouses, created by Cape Codders, to benefit the Sampson Fund.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:43 AM
Wellfleet's Library Goes to the Birds
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Town Meeting Okays Wind Turbines & Town Water
Major issues in Wellfleet are decided by town meeting. This week two major issues were on the warrant. A new by-law, allowing the placement of wind turbines, presumably at the White Crest Beach parking lot, passed on Monday. Yesterday night, after a very long discussion, the town voted in favor of extending the municipal water system to serve the downtown district. And, yes, there was debate, lots of it. The debate seemed to go on and on with the usual suspects taking turns at the microphone. I noted the speech by Alex Hay, above, and another by his brother Mac, in favor, of course. Mac revealed Mac's Shack, one of the town's most popular restaurants, has encountered a new, less forgiving attitude on the part of DEP in recent months, and urged town members to embrace water for the downtown. Read all about the vote here.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:58 AM
Town Meeting Okays Wind Turbines & Town Water
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Saved by the . . . Community Preservation Act!
Sven and I like to wander around the five kettle ponds near our bed and breakfast, especially in fall. We often return to a secluded spot on Northeast Pond, where a particularly lovely modern structure rises above the pond, as if floating on air. This house was once the Kugel-Gips residence. We knew it now belonged to the National Seashore and that all such structures were slated to be demolished. It was, therefore, with a sense of relief that I read today in the Cape Cod Times that rescue for this one house, empty since 1998, is on the way.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:57 AM
Saved by the . . . Community Preservation Act!
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, April 26, 2009
Pre-Memorial Day Tease Draws Crowds
What a beautiful day here in Wellfleet and hot, according to Sven! How happy I was to get home after a weekend in the big city! Lots of folks took advantage of this early tease for a pre-Memorial Day trip to the Outer Cape. On Friday, seamen were already putting boats in the water. Restaurants opened all along Route 6. Everyone who came must have been glad they did. Our Green Room guest went hiking on Great Island and left me a note saying she had had a great time. The foliage up in Boston was a week more advanced, and I got sensory overload walking through the crowds in the Public Garden, past a particularly popular flower bed of pink and yellow tulips, the scene of much jostling as Japanese tourists snapped loved ones posed behind the colorful display.
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Alexandra Grabbe
6:20 PM
Pre-Memorial Day Tease Draws Crowds
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, April 24, 2009
Lighthouse Frenzy
See the lighthouse in the distance, above? I must admit that my thoughts do not often turn to lighthouses, but this week we have a guest from Switzerland whose passion is exactly that, visiting lighthouses, or at least seeing them from the outside if they are not open. She came equipped with a map that shows every single lighthouse along the Cape Cod coast and a book, required reading for lighthouse affectionados, describing the lighthouses of New England. Of course, her first question was where the lighthouses in Wellfleet are located. I was able to tell her that our town used to have a lighthouse, of course, but that someone had moved it to California. It occurred to me that I have never blogged about the former lighthouses of Wellfleet, so here we go. First off, there was once a lighthouse at Mayo Beach, on the harbor, although the house beside it still stands.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
8:10 AM
Lighthouse Frenzy
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wind Turbines & Warm Weather in Wellfleet
Above is a view of White Crest Beach this winter. Now the snow has all melted, thank goodness! Today the sun is shining over Cape Cod, despite the forecast for rain. This warm weather makes us all feel happy-go-lucky, so this weekend, with its record temperatures, will be perfect for taking in an independent film at the Wellfleet Harbor Actors’ Theater. (WHAT has just announced which plays will be performed this season, so do check out the 2009 schedule while on the site.) Sven and I have already seen Mike Leigh’s Happy Go Lucky. We have always enjoyed Leigh’s films. It is hard to leave the theater after this one without a smile. Wind turbines also put a smile on my face, so I was delighted to hear details of the project to place three wind turbines at White Crest Beach parking lot during the CED meeting Tuesday. Today's Cape Cod Times reports on President Obama's Earth Day speech about offshore wind turbines. The wind turbines along the coast of Denmark always made me feel powerful. There is a by-law on the town warrant to permit them here in Wellfleet, and I hope it will pass. The Energy Committee speaker, Jim Sexton, experienced with wind turbines, told us White Crest is one of the best sites he has ever seen. Sven and I watched hang-gliders from New Hampshire last week as they swooped down over the White Crest parking lot, enjoying one of the most perfect locations for hang-gliding in New England, and were able to witness the power of the wind. How awesome if it could be harnessed and provide power for the municipal buildings in Wellfleet and other Cape towns!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
8:54 AM
Wind Turbines & Warm Weather in Wellfleet
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Quiet Mind Studio Holds Yoga Retreat This May!
Need to quiet your mind? Head for Wellfleet in mid-May for the yoga retreat at Quiet Mind Studio. As a child, Zack Dixon never could have imagined that one day he would teach yoga in the old red building, right across the street from home, but when a gallery gave up its lease, friends urged him to seize the moment and turn the space into a new community-oriented wellness center, which is exactly what he did. Local builder Andrew Parkington created a large room with pillars and arches. Yoga practitioners access this room via a long corridor and anti-chamber where they discover detailed descriptions of Quiet Mind masseuses (three permanent and up to ten in summer) and sign up for yoga classes. Further inside the building is a central desk, between two massage rooms, where Zack coordinates events.

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Alexandra Grabbe
8:18 AM
Quiet Mind Studio Holds Yoga Retreat This May!
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, April 20, 2009
Reflections on Stress and Longer B&B Stays
Stress is known to shorten life. Modern life can be stressful, so we should all seek out ways to avoid stress. A walk by the ocean can relieve stress. There is something about the lapping of waves and the tangy salt air that calms the spirit. I have noticed local service folk often drive their trucks to the ocean between jobs, or during lunch, like the two truckdrivers above.
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Alexandra Grabbe
7:17 AM
Reflections on Stress and Longer B&B Stays
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, April 19, 2009
Support Preservation Hall This Spring!
Going out to eat this spring? Wellfleet Preservation Hall is raising money, and several local businesses are participating in fund-raisers for our new community center, so don't miss out on the opportunity to support WPH. Moby Dick's Restaurant will contribute a portion of proceeds from lunch and dinner every Thursday in May. Finely JPs is organizing a dinner dance on May 1st. The buffet dinner from 6 to 8 costs $20. $15 provides access to the dance floor, with a real DJ spinning records, a highly unusual event for Wellfleet, so plan to bring your dancing shoes and sign up early. May 24th, the John Jorgenson Quintet will perform at the Congregational Church. (Jorgenson is known as one of the pioneers of the American gypsy jazz movement.)
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:01 AM
Support Preservation Hall This Spring!
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, April 17, 2009
An April Day in the Life
Sven has switched our headquarters to the Studio with the advent of warmer temperatures, so I set about cleaning Liberty Coin Suite first thing. Impetus was the desire for photos for the new Web site, as well as the opportunity to book Liberty Coin in May as well as our Green Room and cottage. The cottage is still available this weekend, so I did a little email dance with two different prospective guests, a bit like the bunny hop, fancy steps to either side, only with the final hop backwards. Perhaps the couple now ensconced will decide to stay? After lunch, Sven and I took a drive out towards Great Island to soak up some beauty. The above photo is taken from Chequessett Neck Road. After realizing the Volvo was low on gas, we circled back to town, filled the car, stopped home to check emails, and headed out again. We picked up our Wellfleet 2009 Guidebooks at Seaside Liquors and went to the beach for a walk. By now, the time was half past two. Not much accomplished for the B&B so far! Last week we had multiple bookings, as if folks had suddenly awoken to the fact summer will soon be upon us. Warm weather shakes people up that way. I told Sven about the evening meeting organized by the town regarding water, an important issue, which will be on the warrant, and told him I intended to attend. I headed outside then to transplant some myrtle, and Sven sat down to read Swedish news on the computer. Half an hour later, I came back in to check email. There were five messages for me. And, that is when my day took an unexpected turn. I opened the email from the literary agency cautiously, expecting another rejection. Whoa! What’s this? A personal message from the agency president herself. I stared at the words and especially “representation.” That was when I started jumping up and down. Within the hour, I had spoken with the agent and learned how much she loves the proposal for my book. I cannot tell you what a long road I have followed to reach this point. Just yesterday I was thinking that being gay must feel something like wanting to be a successful writer. You do not do it on purpose. It is just the way you were born. The agent is sending a contract over the weekend. Yippee!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
8:04 AM
An April Day in the Life
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, April 16, 2009
Latest photos of the Newcomb Hollow Shipwreck
When Sven and I went to Newcomb Hollow yesterday, of course we checked on the shipwreck. We had visited a week ago, so it
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:26 AM
Latest photos of the Newcomb Hollow Shipwreck
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Local Encounters
Gull is one of the best ponds in New England when it comes to trout fishing, according to a veteran trout-catcher named Kent whom we encountered by the shore yesterday, two rods firmly planted, one in a picnic table, the other in a cement block. “Once I caught a three-pounder,” he said proudly. When I asked about the risk of mercury, he shrugged and told us how he had almost died of a heart attack six weeks ago, so mercury?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
8:03 AM
Local Encounters
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009
On Having Missed the Water Commissioners ...
Whoops! Today I should have reported on yesterday's EDC meeting, but I forgot to go! My goodness. Too much going on, with the season starting, that it slipped my mind. The Wellfleet Water Commissioners spoke, and I would have loved hearing them as Town Meeting prepares to vote on acquiring a water system for the downtown district. We will be hearing more about water in the weeks, months, and years to come, a natural resource that almost everyone takes for granted. Above, yet another view of Dyer Pond, one of the parts of town that has really clean water, and which could be considered as a possible location for the new pump. There's a meeting Thursday evening to discuss the water situation, among other things. I will try to attend. If I am blogging early today, it's because I must prepare breakfast for the guests, then hightail it to Hyannis with Sven. One of the definite disadvantages to living in Wellfleet is the necessity of driving 45 minutes whenever the services of a specialist are needed. To save gas, we try to combine errands on trips down Cape. Today we will hopefully accomplish Sven's check-up, shopping at Trader Joe's and a follow-up visit with Social Security to sign him up for Medicare.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
8:12 AM
On Having Missed the Water Commissioners ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, April 13, 2009
Another Benefit of Turning Down the Thermostat
WHAT's upper lobby features paintings by local school children. The images were all so lovely that I did not know which wall to photograph. Last week Sven and I enjoyed an independent movie at our favorite local theater. What we did not enjoy was the temperature. The next time we go, I will know to dress appropriately. It was hot in that theater! Not all theatergoers may have felt the same way. I have discovered temperature to be an acquired taste. When I married my Swede, I would lament his throwing open the windows at night in the dead of winter. Now I cannot imagine sleeping in a stuffy room. Owning a bed & breakfast constantly reminds me how people have established their own comfort levels, be it 62 or 72 degrees.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
12:32 PM
Another Benefit of Turning Down the Thermostat
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, April 12, 2009
Wellfleet on Easter Morning
As the sun rose over Wellfleet on this chilly Easter morning,
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:10 AM
Wellfleet on Easter Morning
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, April 11, 2009
Change Is On The Way
Instead of looking out the window at today's rain, let's contemplate changes, as does this tourist, determined to make the most of her day at the beach. I photographed her last week and could not resist this ultimate image of relaxation and contentment. She was the only person on the beach.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:22 PM
Change Is On The Way
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, April 10, 2009
Perfect Weather for a Bike Ride
“Wellfleet is rural. Chez Sven is known for its hospitality and warmth. Our bed & breakfast is the perfect place to relax, your home away from home, the ideal spot for a holiday.” Did you know that the above four sentences use words that Europeans think of when about to search for accommodation in the United State? This weekend we have guests from Britain in the cottage and folks from Sweden in the Green Room. It is still too cold to offer Liberty Coin Suite, and we had to turn two couples away. We feel fortunate to have so many requests for accommodation. Many B&Bs in town are not doing as well. I do work at it, though, with a presence on two Chambers, four directories and one Web site abroad.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:10 PM
Perfect Weather for a Bike Ride
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, April 09, 2009
Tulips and Pinwheels in Wellfleet
Glorious weather here in Wellfleet today! I immediately went out to inventory the garden. There seem to be a lot of perennials that did not make it through the winter, and rabbits have decapitated the tulips behind the cottage. I knew this might happen, but planted them anyway. The ones in front of the house survived (above). Only the tulip at the far left bottom seems to have had nibbles. The folks at Children's Cove solved this problem by planting pinwheels, rather than tulips, to symbolize the 200 children who were abused on the Cape over the past year alone. The display is the first thing drivers see as they turn left at Main Street into town.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
11:28 AM
Tulips and Pinwheels in Wellfleet
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Birthday Walk
What a storm we had overnight! This afternoon the clouds finally parted and the sun came out for my birthday. Unfortunately, Sven and I had to spend many hours doing errands in Hyannis. Upon our return, we hightailed it down to the beach where water on the shore shone like molten steel and the sand sparkled as we walked along, a beautiful sight and exactly what we needed.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:01 PM
Birthday Walk
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, April 06, 2009
Does Your Pond Have Frogs?
Yesterday night Sven and I watched Nature on PBS. The program was about the disappearance of frogs. While the first part described a fungus that is killing frogs throughout the world, the second part documented deformities discovered in frogs that live in ponds and streams polluted by drugs, which have seeped through septic system walls into the ground water. I am always staggered when I watch scientists sounding the alarm like this and the media does not even blink an eye. One of the main culprits seems to be estrogen from birth control pills. The implications of what this means to humans? Draw your own conclusions! Frogs were also featured in the Cape Cod Times. Spring is late this year, but, according to the article, Cape Cod ponds have not yet lost their frogs. I did not hear any frogs the last time we went to Great Pond, but we did see a turkey!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
1:20 PM
Does Your Pond Have Frogs?
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, April 05, 2009
Update on Newcomb Hollow Shipwreck
What an amazing day! When the sky is this blue, one forgets that it rained almost all last week and will rain tomorrow and the next day. This afternoon Sven and I headed for Newcomb Hollow Beach, where Nate Chapman filmed last month and where the shipwreck is still visible. We had not been down since the middle of winter.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:33 PM
Update on Newcomb Hollow Shipwreck
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, April 04, 2009
Bits & Pieces
• Comcast has stranded millions of customers without email capability today while the company responds to a major threat to computers. So, anyone who contacts me will not receive a reply until Comcast reestablishes service.
• The Wilkins Ice Shelf is poised to break away from Antarctica. Wilkins is the size of Connecticut, or about half the area of Scotland. Yikes!
• Last night's Larry King Live was about autism. No one has been able to figure the reason for the increase in cases worldwide. How sad!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:45 PM
Bits & Pieces
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, April 02, 2009
How to Write A Good Blog
Blog readers, yesterday's blog was Wellfleet Chezsven's 500th post! Pretty amazing. This spring blogs are popping up faster than the daffodils.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:08 AM
How to Write A Good Blog
Alexandra Grabbe
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