What beautiful weather!

The air is crisp, the sky bright blue. I bet the leaves at Dyer Pond are a sight to see. Since Wellfleet is deserted, early October has proved an ideal time for an Outer Cape vacation. What's more, the restaurants are discounting lobster, what with the credit crunch and supply exceeding demand.

Every once and a while we have guests who leave guestbook messages that truly reveal how much the cottage experience has meant to them, words which provide evidence of their enjoyment, making Sven and me very happy. Our most recent guests, for example. Here is what they had to say:
“Just a few of the things we enjoyed during our stay:
• vine-covered front porch at dusk
• chipmunks scurrying, bunnies hiding under bushes, and birds busy at the feeder
• morning light illuminating a high wooden ceiling
• movies by a warm fire
• steamers prepared in a cozy cottage kitchen
• birds feeding just outside the window as we shower
• sound of rain before sunrise lulling us back to sleep
• music from Outermost Radio on the vintage radio
• cottage garden flowers in a vase
• fresh, crisp, clean, white sheets.
Our stay couldn’t have been more perfect.”