On a day like today, when the wind is whipping through the trees and rain splatters against the windowpanes, it is comforting to remember how beautiful Wellfleet can be in the sunshine. Last week Sven and I walked to Great Pond, in the National Seashore. How serene it was there, and quiet. With few signs of civilization to clutter the mind, we imagined an earlier time when life was simpler. I couldn't help but wonder how the economic crisis and financial stress would effect the growing movement towards a more eco-conscious society here and abroad. The United States is far behind Germany, Holland, and the United Kingdom, for instance. Our guests over the past year have shown more consideration of the environment than just a few years ago. I hope we will continue to move in that direction, for the world's sake. Simple gestures are easy to incorporate into a lifestyle.

Everyone has heard, by now, about changing light bulbs. It is also important to remember to turn off lamps when leaving a room. In the cottage, I have come up with a new protocol for the heating. I allow guests to program their own temperatures during the fall, but recommend turning the heat off at night and off during the day while out exploring the area. We provide a warm comforter so that it is even possible to open the bedroom windows for any Nordic sleepers like Sven who prefer the cold ...