Lots of pumpkins on sale at Marketplace this morning, but not many to be seen on the porches and windowsills of Wellfleet! The house beside the Congregational Church was all decked out, as usual, in cobwebs, and even sported a Jack o’lantern tree.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Hard Times in Wellfleet this Halloween
Lots of pumpkins on sale at Marketplace this morning, but not many to be seen on the porches and windowsills of Wellfleet! The house beside the Congregational Church was all decked out, as usual, in cobwebs, and even sported a Jack o’lantern tree.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
2:10 PM
Hard Times in Wellfleet this Halloween
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sven & Edmund Wilson At Gull Pond
Mention of Wellfleet has been popping up quite often in the past few months. Two weeks ago, the Homes section of the Boston Globe ran a feature on the 10-acre estate, birthplace of Wellfleet’s Banana King, Lorenzo Baker, and later literary meeting place for intellectuals, up for sale in the National Seashore. This week Wellfleet reaches readers through the pages of the New York Review of Books. When I brought the paper in to Sven, I couldn’t help but notice the large print on the cover: EDMUND WILSON ON GULL POND. So, I set Sven to reading the article, while I did laundry, ironing and other bed & breakfast chores. Apparently the excerpts had been removed from Wilson’s published diary at the request of Mary McCarthy. According to the article, written by their son Reuel, the two lovers were gallivanting around Gull Pond in the nude, shenanigans that took place in the early forties, when there were even fewer people around than today. What I liked about the excerpts was the facility Wilson shows at invoking nature. However, I found some of his descriptions over-wrought and others objectionable: baby pine cones are compared to a woman’s nipples, for instance. I can only wonder of what interest the article can possibly be to New York Review of Books readers, unless it provides insight/proof that the couple made love one day and had violent quarrels the next, surely only of significance to Wilson/McCarthy scholars? It is weird to have the author refer to his parents as “Wilson” and “McCarthy,” and his focus on their lovemaking seems almost prurient, if not “perverse,” Sven’s choice of adjective. And yet, as people skim this week’s Review of Books, they will think of Gull Pond, which can only be good for local tourism …
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:19 PM
Sven & Edmund Wilson At Gull Pond
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Wellfleet Votes to Stop McMansions
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:11 PM
Wellfleet Votes to Stop McMansions
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, October 27, 2008
An October Day in the Life
Since we had no Main House guests needing breakfast, I was able to sleep in this morning and only got up at 8:30, in time to glimpse our cottage guests from the window as they got into their car and drove away. I did laundry and hung the sheets up to dry outside. Then I placed some phone calls to doctors, read email, and checked our stat counter. No one is visiting the Web site these days, but blog readers do continue to check out the blog and, for that, I am grateful. First on my agenda, the garden. I planted the remaining spring bulbs and filled four barrels with yard waste. Once Sven got up, we had lunch and drove them to the dump. It was turning out to be such a beautiful day, that it seemed criminal not to walk on a beach.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:57 PM
An October Day in the Life
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Uncertain Future ...
Gale winds battered Cape Cod during the night, and raindrops still glistened on the windows as our last Liberty Coin guests trooped in for a cozy breakfast: organic brioche made from another great King Arthur Flour mix, fruit salad with organic melon, and my signature organic granola, which they pronounced, “delicious.” It was with mixed feelings that I watched the couple drive off in their Prius as Sven brought in the New York Times, wrapped in not one, but two blue plastic wrappers.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:35 AM
The Uncertain Future ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, October 25, 2008
To Fish, or Not to Fish ...
Part of the innkeeper experience is the opportunity to meet interesting people. Our Liberty Coin guests this weekend are dairy farmers from Vermont's Champlain Valley. I have enjoyed sitting with them at breakfast, chatting about this and that. I had no idea how hard it is for dairy farmers to get away on vacation, for example.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:22 AM
To Fish, or Not to Fish ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, October 24, 2008
Turning down the Heat
There was an article yesterday in the Cape Cod Times about Cape Codders who signed up for oil heat while the rate was at its zenith late this past summer and now regret that decision. Here at Chez Sven we were fortunate to have avoided being locked into a contract because of a credit, accumulated due to closing down for renovation a year ago. For innkeepers in economic hard times, heating is a definite concern. How much does one heat an inn? Should the temperature reflect personal preferences or be adjusted on a case by case basis? I have discovered that guests have varying temperature preferences, making it impossible to please everyone. This is not a problem for our Seagull Cottage guests, as stated in yesterday’s blog. They can program their own heat, using the thermostat, and do. Our Green Room also has its own thermostat. Sven prefers cooler indoor temperatures, and, over the years, I have learned to turn the heat down. I would like to suggest that in these tough economic times, turning down the heat might be a good idea for everyone, both at home and during holiday. People need to learn to wear sweaters, the new green fashion statement. Designers should stop showing skimpy clothing for fall, winter and spring. I advise guests who like hot rooms not to book Liberty Coin Suite in winter. This magnificent space was once a loft and has no heat, although we did install good insulation a few years back. We provide warm duvets and wool blankets.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:23 AM
Turning down the Heat
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Inspiration of Nature ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:39 AM
The Inspiration of Nature ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Climbing Truro's Bearberry Hill
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:36 PM
Climbing Truro's Bearberry Hill
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, October 20, 2008
Green Travel Merits Attention of Major TV Show ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
12:20 PM
Green Travel Merits Attention of Major TV Show ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, October 18, 2008
Wellfleet Celebrates Oysterfest 2008
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
5:35 PM
Wellfleet Celebrates Oysterfest 2008
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, October 17, 2008
Wellfleet's Glorious Ponds ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:48 PM
Wellfleet's Glorious Ponds ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, October 11, 2008
Searching for Hopper along the Back Roads of Truro

This afternoon I traipsed through South Truro with my friend Virginia, whose grandparents’ house was the subject of one of Edward Hopper’s lesser known paintings. The house, on Old County Road, is now called The Marshall House. Virginia posed out front.

Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:21 PM
Searching for Hopper along the Back Roads of Truro
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, October 10, 2008
More Praise for Seagull Cottage in Fall
What beautiful weather!
The air is crisp, the sky bright blue. I bet the leaves at Dyer Pond are a sight to see. Since Wellfleet is deserted, early October has proved an ideal time for an Outer Cape vacation. What's more, the restaurants are discounting lobster, what with the credit crunch and supply exceeding demand.
Every once and a while we have guests who leave guestbook messages that truly reveal how much the cottage experience has meant to them, words which provide evidence of their enjoyment, making Sven and me very happy. Our most recent guests, for example. Here is what they had to say:
“Just a few of the things we enjoyed during our stay:
• vine-covered front porch at dusk
• chipmunks scurrying, bunnies hiding under bushes, and birds busy at the feeder
• morning light illuminating a high wooden ceiling
• movies by a warm fire
• steamers prepared in a cozy cottage kitchen
• birds feeding just outside the window as we shower
• sound of rain before sunrise lulling us back to sleep
• music from Outermost Radio on the vintage radio
• cottage garden flowers in a vase
• fresh, crisp, clean, white sheets.
Our stay couldn’t have been more perfect.”
“Just a few of the things we enjoyed during our stay:
• vine-covered front porch at dusk
• chipmunks scurrying, bunnies hiding under bushes, and birds busy at the feeder
• morning light illuminating a high wooden ceiling
• movies by a warm fire
• steamers prepared in a cozy cottage kitchen
• birds feeding just outside the window as we shower
• sound of rain before sunrise lulling us back to sleep
• music from Outermost Radio on the vintage radio
• cottage garden flowers in a vase
• fresh, crisp, clean, white sheets.
Our stay couldn’t have been more perfect.”
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:42 AM
More Praise for Seagull Cottage in Fall
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, October 08, 2008
A Different Kind Of Fall ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:21 PM
A Different Kind Of Fall ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, October 06, 2008
Famous Elderblogger Visits Chez Sven
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:46 AM
Famous Elderblogger Visits Chez Sven
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, October 04, 2008
Promotional Opportunities: Tough Choices!
Each fall innkeepers on Cape Cod and elsewhere must decide whether or not to renew membership in various promotional organizations. Time to evaluate which have proved the most effective. Should some be dropped and others added? Is membership in the local Chamber of Commerce really worthwhile? I have made it my policy to try one new option each year. For 2009, we will add two. While the addition of a second does require a greater outlay of funds, these economic times make it desirable to be seen on a variety of Web sites, especially sites which offer links to ours. Soon Chez Sven will reach international folks who visit Green Places to Stay, a site created and maintained by Alastair Sawday, husband of one of our guests last fall. We have also joined the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, which now sends me a great e-newsletter each week with promotional suggestions. Our new listing can be viewed here.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:17 PM
Promotional Opportunities: Tough Choices!
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, October 01, 2008
While we still have guests on weekends in October, the season seems to have ground to a halt earlier than usual, due to the dire economical forecast and, perhaps, the upcoming election. Of course, the rainy weather these past few days has not helped. Local restaurant owners are staring at empty tables and limiting their availability. Blackfish is closed Tuesday and Wednesday. The Juice is open Thursday-Sunday. Terra Luna took more drastic measures: Friday and Saturday nights, only. Even Mac's Shack has seen a decline in diners. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the guests who have chosen Chez Sven over the last six months, and also blog-readers, faithful to the blog every week. I will continue reporting what is going on in Wellfleet, and especially here at our green bed & breakfast which remains open. Stay tuned!
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