Sunday, September 28, 2008
Season Ends Early on Outer Cape
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:53 AM
Season Ends Early on Outer Cape
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, September 27, 2008
“Green” B&B US = "Eco-Conscious" B&B in Germany
One of the questions on our sign-in sheet asks guests, “How important to you is our being green?” They must circle 1, 2, 3, or 4. Most people hesitate between 3 and 4. I have had a few American guests, however, who were not even sure what green meant (!!!). Our current guests, in Wellfleet for two days of rain, unfortunately, felt challenged by the question and were good enough to explain why. In Germany, “green” is associated with a political movement. They said that I must mean “eco-conscious” and that the question seemed strange because practically everyone in Germany is eco-conscious. The waste basket has four compartments. Germans do not see walking simply as sport. They recycle and are willing to go out of their way to deposit glass at collection points in the city. Everyone cares about the environment. Cars have seals to show their pollution factor. Consumer surveys are held in high regard and people pay attention to which products are more ecological. Bio-fields are regulated so crops do not risk cross-pollination, as in England, for example. My guests explained the waste elimination program in detail. I told them the United States is not as advanced in practice or theory, although we have made great strides over the past couple years, and feel hopeful for the future, especially if Obama is elected. I was grateful to learn about how eco-conscious Germans are and will change the term on the check-in sheet!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:35 AM
“Green” B&B US = "Eco-Conscious" B&B in Germany
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, September 26, 2008
International Travel Promotion Bill Passes the House
This week the House of Representatives passed the “Travel Promotion Act of 2008,” introduced by Barnstable County’s own William Delahunt, among others.
Let’s hope the Senate will quickly follow suit and act on this bill, which will increase the number of international travelers coming to the USA, Cape Cod, and ...Chez Sven. To read the full press release, go here. The bill “establishes a public-private partnership to promote the United States as a premier international travel destination and communicate U.S. security and entry policies." Sven and I love receiving international guests. Sometimes Sven even gives them a special little tour of Wellfleet's beautiful beaches, or walks them to the pond. This past season approximately 15% of our guests have been from abroad.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:24 PM
International Travel Promotion Bill Passes the House
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Wellfleet in September
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:38 PM
Wellfleet in September
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
Why Chez Sven Offers Organic Cotton Sheets
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
8:20 AM
Why Chez Sven Offers Organic Cotton Sheets
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, September 19, 2008
What Makes a Good Bed & Breakfast Guest?
A recent comment to the blog from another innkeeper about our beloved green guests set me to thinking about what makes a good bed & breakfast guest. After five years of experience, I have decided the problem with guests from the United States is that they are not accustomed to staying in a person’s home. Rather, they behave more as one might at a hotel. Europeans have years of experience staying at B&Bs. Our guests from the UK are respectful and show real gratitude that we are sharing our house with them. Of course, one cannot generalize, but Sven and I have sometimes been faced with behavior that makes us wonder what people are thinking. Some guests act as if we were servants. (We aren’t.) And, this type of behavior is sure to draw a negative response. Innkeepers do provide a service, true. And, try to always do so with a smile. When guests book rooms, I ask for an approximate arrival time. Knowing when people plan to arrive helps me schedule other events during my day. You can bet that if someone says they will arrive at 2 and does not show up until evening like today, any innkeeper would not be pleased. Everyone has cell phones in this day and age. If one is delayed, it is simple to give a quick call. Changing an arrival time on the spur of the moment may work at a hotel, but it is not ideal for establishing the type of relationship we try to foster here at Chez Sven. Such behavior gets us off to a bad start. People who change their arrival time without warning, or arrive much earlier than expected, before we have finished preparing the room, for instance, do not win our hearts and minds. Part of the experience of staying at a bed & breakfast is the exchange of information that transpires between the hosts and the guests. I do not go the extra mile for guests who disrespect me. That being said, about 98% of our guests this summer have been wonderful, including the Americans. They have loved the experience of being here, and we have enjoyed their presence. These are the guests who know they have a home away from home here on Cape Cod and plan to return ….
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:54 PM
What Makes a Good Bed & Breakfast Guest?
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, September 18, 2008
Environmental Concerns, Past, Present, Future
This week came news of a study in the United Kingdom, indicating that the BPA in our systems can lead to diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Here at Chez Sven, we no longer provide water in plastic bottles. Instead, I draw well water through a three-stage PUR filter and provide a glass pitcher of filtered well water in each room. I realize the filter is no guarantee, but drinking filtered water is certainly better than water that sat in plastic for days. Above is a photo of some of safer bottles guests brought this summer, decorated with great decals. It would be hard to live without plastics. Who knows how daily interaction with plastic, even the plastic in inner tubes, effects children? When you think about it, we have all been used as guinea pigs. I am hopeful that more attention will be paid to the environment after Bush leaves office. I am, of course, voting for Barack Obama. This morning, one of our summer guests emailed me her feelings on the upcoming election. I could not have expressed it more eloquently: “As far as the candidates for office go, I'd like to see someone elected (including senator, representative, pres/VP, etc.) that really care about preserving the environment. I want our decisions to be sustainable for our children and grandchildren and generations to come. I want the FDA to stop looking the other way while additives, dyes and preservatives are put in our food. And I want them to get serious about coming up with a solution that gets medical services for children who have autism or other medical conditions. I am concerned about Palin because she has a very young child with Downs Syndrome and I think she should be caring for it. But, then I am a stay-at-home mom who sees value in raising my own child.” For more information on Obama’s environmental plans, go here. I sought out McCain's position on the environment and learned about his "environmental wishi-washiness" here, after being dissatisfied with what I found on his official Web site.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:02 AM
Environmental Concerns, Past, Present, Future
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A September Day in the Life
Sven and I cleaned Seagull Cottage and the Green Room during the morning, doing multiple loads of laundry. Then we waited all afternoon for guests to arrive. There were only a few cars parked downtown
when I finally could dash into Wellfleet Marketplace to buy French bread to go with the Brie Sven loves. I swung past Hatch's in search of native strawberries from Canada for breakfast, and the veggie displays were already being dismantled. I saw seniors walking around shopping, but walking slowly, in time to the new pace Wellfleet adopts in late September. When you talk to shopkeepers and restaurant owners, you get the same response. Everyone feels the "season" has ended early this year, due to the economy. Here at Chez Sven, we continue to receive guests and feel lucky to have bookings for the next few weeks. Guests love the quiet, interrupted only by occasional birdsong. Our Green Room has won raves from our guests this summer, and I challenge any bed & breakfast owner to show me a prettier bathroom!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:06 PM
A September Day in the Life
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, September 15, 2008
Great Guests, Great Photos!
each. So here are just two, depicting the proprietors themselves which we think are rather nice - hope you do too."
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:25 AM
Great Guests, Great Photos!
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, September 13, 2008
What To Do on the Beach in Cloudy Weather
Even when the sun refuses to shine, there are plenty of things to do at the beach: build sandcastles, swim, play with a boogie board, surf, read, relax, take a nap, walk, run, jog, walk a dog, fly a kite, collect pretty stones, look at seals, swim with the seals, look for old shipwrecks, chat, have a penetrating discussion, discuss life, picnic, do crossword puzzles, people-watch, take photographs ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:15 PM
What To Do on the Beach in Cloudy Weather
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, September 12, 2008
Surfers Make Headlines in Banner
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:46 AM
Surfers Make Headlines in Banner
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, September 11, 2008
Desperately Seeking Green Guests
I checked Plenty Magazine's “State by State Guide to Green Hotspots” and was delighted to find Chez Sven under Massachusetts. We hope this listing will bring us more green guests. We do not receive as many as we would like. They are certainly lurking out there in Cyberspace, but where?
Oh, how we do love our green guests! They recycle water bottles and turn lights off while they are out. They spend special care reading past issues of The Green Guide. They walk to town and back. Then go out again to eat at Wicked Oyster, five minutes away. Many of them hail from England or Germany, which makes me wonder why we receive so few from my own country. Why do Americans who care about the environment not come?
We tried membership or advertising at:
• Mother Earth News
I have come to the conclusion that although more people worldwide
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
11:25 AM
Desperately Seeking Green Guests
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Why Our B&B Serves Organic
The Seventh Generation Newsletter today brought a warning about
irradiated foods,now that the FDA has decided irradiation is the way to go with more veggies, including lettuce and spinach. In their Quick Guide to Food Irradiation, the authors recommend eating organic and shopping locally, among other things, which is fine if one has that option, not always the case in winter. I learned that irradiated eggs lose up to 80% of their Vitamin A, and green beans, 95% of their lutein.
In two weeks, one of my favorite local shops will close. Lauren, at Hatch's on the town hall parking lot, always tries to offer organic fruit and veggies. Here at Chez Sven, we serve as much organic food as possible simply because it is so much better for you. Recently, I discovered a great blog about eating local. It is called Diary of a Locavore and offers lots of good advice and recipes. The young writer is one busy woman, with a regular job, a time-consuming blog, and now a weekly radio gig at NPR’s Cape & Islands!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
1:15 PM
Why Our B&B Serves Organic
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Time to Smell The Flowers ...
I said to Sven this evening, after our new guests had moved in, “How different the house feels! I mean, yesterday, we were by ourselves, and now …”
“Imagine people who do this all year!” he exclaimed, not realizing that all year is what we actually do, although, it’s true, people don’t come to Wellfleet in the dead of winter, so it does not feel that way.
“You can’t give out the same energy when you do it all year,” I concluded.
Indeed, part of being a successful innkeeper is greeting new guests with enthusiasm, making them feel welcome, and remaining available at all times to answer questions during their stay.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
8:13 PM
Time to Smell The Flowers ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, September 08, 2008
LeCount Hollow: Surfers' Paradise!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
8:04 AM
LeCount Hollow: Surfers' Paradise!
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, September 07, 2008
"Love Nest"
This weekend novelty hit Chez Sven with a booking of our Green Room as a wedding gift.
The donors descended Friday afternoon and decorated for over an hour. Check out the "Love Nest" they created! The newlyweds were to arrive last night after midnight in a limousine. Talk about a dramatic first night, with the wind whipping through the maple tree, thanks to Hanna! Needless to say, I did not wait up. They were to slip into the room and crash. Breakfast was to be served at 10. Did they make it to Wellfleet? Are they asleep? Is the room still empty? It is a mystery that I will only discover later in the morning ….
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:45 AM
"Love Nest"
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, September 04, 2008
Despite Great Press, Tourists Shun Cape Cod This Fall
Wellfleet was surprisingly empty yesterday evening as Sven and I drove through on the way to the library. After last month's crowds, the emptiness feels jarring. My proclamations of what the off-season is are being proved erroneous this year. September bookings are down, especially since I missed a double week-long booking mid-September from some folks in Germany due to a computer malfunction. People are not traveling as much, at least Americans aren't. We still have couples from England and Canada staying with us this week. Guests who went to The Juice on Tuesday found it closed. This was as distressing for them as for me. The weather is beautiful. The empty beaches are pristine. The back roads are easily navigated, except for Commercial Street, still blocked off due to construction. All the travel magazines tout September as the best time to visit Cape Cod. There is even an article about Cape Cod in Endless Vacation, which did not report correct rates for that other inn in Wellfleet, by the way, a mystery I have not yet figured out. So, where are the tourists? Not in the Baltimore/Annapolis area, according to a Twitter communication from The Wayside Inn. Their bookings are down, too. Here at Chez Sven, we were hoping for ecotourists, after an August write-up in the Ecobookers Newsletter, but apparently ecotourists are staying home this fall as well. What a shame! Wellfleet is amazing in September. Check out the many activities possible in nearby Dyer Pond: swimming, making sand castles, boating, dreaming, chatting, in sum, enjoying life ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
8:01 AM
Despite Great Press, Tourists Shun Cape Cod This Fall
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Why We Do Not Do One-night Stays
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
1:58 PM
Why We Do Not Do One-night Stays
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, September 01, 2008
A Brief History of Uncle Tim's Bridge ...
Every dozen years or so, our beloved bridge needs repair of some kind. David told me that, at one point, the question arose of whether to keep the bridge open at all. Of course, the folks of Wellfleet voted with their hearts. The scenic bridge had already become a favorite destination, viewed with nostalgia by residents and non-residents alike. It is now time for a total makeover. Thanks to the Community Preservation Act and funds voted at Town Meeting, Uncle Tim’s Bridge will undergo reconstruction, starting tomorrow. Commercial Street, from Main Street to Whit’s Lane will be closed through Thursday while the contractor brings in equipment and materials. The bridge will not open to foot traffic until the work is completed in late October.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
2:41 PM
A Brief History of Uncle Tim's Bridge ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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