Thursday, May 08, 2008

We Got Shells!

When a major renovation is undertaken, one discovers that everything else looks drab in comparison and needs some TLC, too. For this reason, our painting project is lasting longer than we expected. The Web site will soon be updated to reflect the changes. We are also working on the garden. The area around the northern wing of the house suffered much abuse over the past six months from sawdust, reshingling, and routine access for the carpenters who set up their tools outside. So, Sven and I decided to address this issue as well. We chose quohaug shells for the parking area because they are natural to Cape Cod, easy to apply, and inexpensive. What's more, they look nice. The shells arrived yesterday morning early. I was holding out for cobblestones but reality won me over. I must admit the change is an improvement. Everyone is happy and Sven gets to say, "I told you so." The shells seem particularly appropriate because this week I started copyediting a manuscript by a friend who has just researched and written a history of shellfishing in Wellfleet. This amazing book will be published over the summer and made available for sale at Oysterfest, to benefit the Wellfleet Historical Society. We still have some availability for Oysterfest, a fabulous street fair that celebrates the oyster. Oysterfest has become the high point of Wellfleet's tourist season and is not to be missed.