I drove to Orleans this morning to pick up a duvet cover at the cleaners. While running errands, a hanging basket of superbells caught my eye. It is a bit early to buy flowers, but I justified the purchase by the presence of two sets of guests this weekend. Back home, Sven said someone named Yves had called to book a room.

I returned the call but got an answering machine. During my absence, new organic cotton sheets had arrived from
Anna Sova in a lovely silken pouch. I grabbed a bite to eat, skimmed the Provincetown Banner, and helped Sven put the duvet cover on the comforter for Liberty Coin Suite, then vacuumed. Out in the garden, I picked a bouquet of sweet-smelling jonquils and placed them by the bed. (Quite an event today, the first time we have had guests in both Seagull Cottage and Liberty Coin Suite this early in the season!) Our Seagull Cottage couple arrived yesterday, and this morning pronounced themselves delighted with everything.

Luckily the sun is out and plans to shine tomorrow as well. Earlier in the week we had received new cushions from
Pete Stillitano but were not able to try them out due to the constant rain, so today Sven opened the boxes. Just the right size and so comfy! I spent the next hour on the phone, booking Sven’s tickets to Sweden for a holiday with his family. Just as I finished, the Liberty Coin Suite guests arrived, and we chatted for a while. He is off to Uganda on Monday, so Sven told tales of an old friend who used to work there and fell in love with the wife of a government minister, not a very good idea. Our guests settled in for a nap, and I headed for the kitchen to bake organic granola. The house smelled of honey an hour later as I left for a library event, advertised in the Banner. The free seminar was billed
"Architect’s Studio Presents Attuning Your Household to the Environment.” In the introduction, Wellfleet architect Alan Dodge said he regretted not having more clients request designs for energy-efficient homes and this regret had motivated the seminar. Architect’s Studio hopes to dispel fears about green building, only 2% more expensive. Colleagues Trevor Pontbriand and Joyce Cuming did great presentations about greening up homes, offering suggestions, which we already apply at Chez Sven for the most part. I was very impressed by their can-do attitude when it comes to saving energy and recycling. I hope the Wellfleetians present in the audience will help spread the word …