Friday, November 05, 2010

My Letter to the Editor Published by the Banner

"Rise Up Against Spraying!" is the title the editors gave my most recent letter, published in yesterday's Provincetown Banner. I have abbreviated the name of our utility company in the copy presented here. I know a lot of you count on this blog for the latest on this topic, which is sometimes not covered in local papers, and I know you know which utility company we are referring to ... Here you go:

"On August 30th a resolution was passed and signed by the Eastham Board of Selectmen to request that N. abandon its current plan to use herbicides along the rights-of-way on Cape Cod and commit to a no-spray pesticide-free policy of vegetation management under the power lines on Cape Cod and the Islands. Last week the Wellfleet Board of Selectmen signed a similar document.

Despite a March 26, 2010 letter signed by legislators, opposition from all towns involved, thousands of signatures on petitions, and a one-year moratorium obtained by the Cape Cod Commission, N. is still moving forward with its spraying program, which will commence 1/1/11. In the past, the utility company controlled vegetation, as required by Federal law, by mowing. You may have noticed N. is cordoning off the power lines with fences and iron gates. Their citadel attitude must be challenged.

New research shows that the absorption of even minute amounts of toxic chemicals can disrupt hormone systems, affect reproductive behavior, and increase cancer-risk.

We need to protect our water supply. I, for one, do not want to drink well water laced with herbicides. The EPA New England-Web-site’s sole-source-aquifer page states, 'Local residents and businesses may be more willing to protect an aquifer through local action if they learn their drinking water originates from a vulnerable underground supply.' We know about the vulnerability of the water supply on the Outer Cape. Once contaminated, that’s it. No recourse, no second chance.

I salute the Eastham Town Administrator Sheila Vanderhoef and Wellfleet Town Administrator Paul Sieloff, as well as the Selectmen of Wellfleet and Eastham, for having taken a stand against the spraying of herbicides under the power lines.

If you live in Eastham, Wellfleet, or Truro and drink well water, you need to be concerned about this issue. I urge Outer Cape citizens to mobilize in support of these resolutions. Please spread the word. Do not allow N. to contaminate our drinking water!”

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You continue to inspire me with your passion to make the world a better and safer place.
My recent post Dr Ozs Top 5 Anti-Aging Tips
This whole thing astounds me. Keep up the fight.
My recent post Shock Collar on the Brain
Why is this not covered by your local paper? That seems really wrong!
1 reply · active 750 weeks ago
This is a mystery to me, too. Glad to report that Truro signed a similar resolution this week as well.
Yes, I'm with Sheryl. You have taken many steps to keep these issues in the forefront.
My recent post Fits- Starts &amp Matters of the Heart is here!
I believe that "N" is in the process of being acquired by a larger utility. Lobbying efforts should be directed at the new parent company rather than to "N"'s unresponsive hierarchy, which must now answer to outside corporate management.
1 reply · active 750 weeks ago
You are correct, Stan. The merger with Northeast has taken place. Only the details remain to be worked out this month. To whom do you recommend writing in the parent company?
Melanie @Frugal Kiwi's avatar

Melanie @Frugal Kiwi · 750 weeks ago

Are there business links between the local paper and N? It seems so bizarre not to have coverage of something that is SO important.
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Oh I am so frustrated for you!
My recent post The Fabulous PHEA Giveaway
Brave to these folks: "I salute the Eastham Town Administrator Sheila Vanderhoef and Wellfleet Town Administrator Paul Sieloff, as well as the Selectmen of Wellfleet and Eastham, for having taken a stand against the spraying of herbicides under the power lines."

And bravo to the paper for publishing your letter.

I am so sorry this is STILL going on though. I am hoping if everyone does their part we WILL keep these poisons out of the environment and out of the water.
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This is impressive. What are you planning to do next?
My recent post Squid or Octopus–What’s the dif
1 reply · active 750 weeks ago
Not sure. Any pro bono lawyers out there? I think Stan is right. I called up the utility that N. is merging with and could not get any straight answers. They have a corporate policy not to give out names. Really is David Vs. Goliath. Maybe I will write the governor?
You're the kind of squeaky wheel your community needs to keep these environmental health issues front and center. Kudos.
My recent post A Family Recipe Becomes a Business- Mamie &amp Makhi’s Sweet Potato Pie
Laura Kelley's avatar

Laura Kelley · 749 weeks ago

The Town of Orleans selectmen voted in favor of non-toxic resolution!
With a few thousand signatures from Cape residents on a petition we passed around last year, with a petition going around now for Cape businesses to sign, with (hopefully) every town selectmen voting for non-toxic methods to maintain vegetation along 150 miles of Cape's right-of-ways, you would think 'power in numbers' is working, right? Well N is not budging - yet. We have until Dec. 31, 2010 to shift their ways.

There is an Ad-Hoc meeting at The Barnstable County Court House where representatives from N meet with concerned citizens, local State Rep. Sarah Peake, County Commissioner Sheila Lyons, reps from DARs office and a few local businesses gather to put everything on the table.

The next meeting is November 19, 2010 at 9am where the opposing side will give presentations. It is open to the public! Having support counts! Please come see what is happening to help protect Cape Cod's drinking water!!!
Sandy has the details and will be there too!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Thanks for posting this Laura. Lets hope a large body shows up. The fact that the US President's own council advises an alternative course to pesticides, as detailed in the recent President's Council on Cancer, (sp?) ...should be a must read for the CEO's of the N merger.

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