In the afternoon, I held the first meeting of the Green Working Group here at the house. It was exciting to interact with citizens who are as eager as I to see Wellfleet go green and non-toxic. We discussed many different ideas and approaches for two and one half hours. I was able to share with the group exciting news about Preservation Hall. So that you have all the details, I will simply quote the statement made by Marla Rice, President of the Board of Directors:
“We are happy to announce a remarkable Challenge Grant from Tern Foundation to support our use of energy efficiency features in the renovation of Wellfleet Preservation Hall. Donations will be matched dollar for dollar. Many of our thoughtful donors will appreciate this opportunity to contribute to the Hall while spreading clean energy to protect the beautiful natural environment of our town, Cape Cod and the planet.” (The Tern Foundation has awarded Wellfleet Preservation Hall a matching grant of $15,000 over two years to help the Hall invest in energy efficiency and solar panels. Contributions will be matched dollar for dollar. The first installment of $7,500 must be matched by December 15, 2010.)
Jennifer Margulis · 749 weeks ago
Moms don't really get weekends off either. I am SO behind on filing as well. Papers all over my office...
My recent post On the Road Again
Christine · 748 weeks ago
That pile of papers looks like my own!
My recent post Rainboots