Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Keep Wellfleet Beaches Pristine

When Sven and I took a walk at LeCount Hollow two days ago, I was shocked to see not one but two dog excrement bags, you know those blue ones covered with paw prints, right on the beach. What dog owner, in his right mind, would leave such things behind? One was open, way down towards Marconi. Another I found at the foot of the parking lot dune, neatly tied up. Did the dog owners forget these bags? Did they think someone else would come along, like me, and pick them up for proper disposal? Did they hope the tide would wash them away? Should these people be considered good pet owners? You already know how I feel about renegade plastic bags, flapping in the breeze. This wanton act is almost worse. We need to all work together to keep Wellfleet beaches clean. Disgusting!