Friday, October 28, 2011

Which Wellfleet Restaurants Are Open This Fall?

Every fall presents a new conundrum as I seek to advise our guests on where to eat supper. Which restaurants are open? When do the multi-season establishments close for a well-earned vacation? In order to answer this question, I started my research at PB, which sports a new porch-like structure to protect customers who wait in line, as well as intricate tiled and brick parking spaces, instead of the oyster shells of last summer: PB will close January 2 and re-open right before Valentine's Day.

Here's a list of four other all-season restaurants, with their closing dates:

Wicked Oyster: Open Thanksgiving weekend, then closes that Sunday or Monday. Reopens mid-January.

The Bookstore: Closes after New Year's and remains closed until Valentine's Day.

The Lighthouse: Closes the third weekend in February and will remain closed until Patriots' Day.

Finally JPs: Closes the first weekend in December, then reopens Martin Luther King Weekend. (Will be open Thursday through Sunday in early 2012.)