Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Getting Married? Make It A Wellfleet Wedding
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Getting Married? Make It A Wellfleet Wedding
Alexandra Grabbe
getting married|honeymoons|weddings|Wellfleet|
Comments (12)

getting married,
Sunday, January 29, 2012
LeCount Hollow: Perfect Walk!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:13 PM
LeCount Hollow: Perfect Walk!
Alexandra Grabbe
beachwalking|LeCount Hollow|Wellfleet|
Comments (4)

LeCount Hollow,
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Still Smells as Sweet?
Many of you responded with regret on hearing of the demise of WHAT at the harbor. Here's more information on its resurrection by a group of theater enthusiasts calling themselves the Harbor Stage Company. We can look forward to a peek during Wellfleet's first Blossoms weekend. No word yet on what will happen to the iconic WHAT sign ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Still Smells as Sweet?
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (3)

Friday, January 27, 2012
More Beach Treasure?
And, while we are on the subject of toxins, here's some great news: Wellfleet Selectmen just signed an e-waste resolution, which "calls on its State Representative and State Senator to support passage of a producer take-back bill for electronic waste in the current legislative session, and calls on the Legislature to develop and support legislation to require Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for all consumer electronics products, computers, TVs and household hazardous products." More than half of the towns in Massachusetts have taken this step, including Provincetown, Truro, Eastham, Orleans, Brewster and Dennis. Congratulations to the Wellfleet Selectmen for signing on and to the Recycling Committee for spurring them to make this decision.
More reason to cheer, 28 state legislatures are tackling toxic chemicals, since Congress is still dragging its feet. Read all about it at the Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
More Beach Treasure?
Alexandra Grabbe
environmental hazards|Plastic Pollution|
Comments (1)

environmental hazards,
Plastic Pollution
Thursday, January 26, 2012
More Reasons to Walk the Beach in Winter...
When I was a child, we would search the seashore for pretty shells. I remember starting a shell collection after a visit to Rehobeth Beach, in Delaware.
Some folks come for driftwood. They turn a nice piece into a lamp base, or create a mobile, or simply put a weathered branch on the mantelpiece as a reminder of summer. Others drag larger pieces home for firewood.
In the olden days, Wellfleetians would cart home buckets of seaweed to fertilize the vegetable garden. Salt straw/hay was also collected on the beach. (In Eva and Henry, local author Irene Paine explained how salt hay was fed to the animals once the regular kind ran out.)
On the beach, you meet the occasional person with a metal detector. Everyone dreams of finding buried treasure, but these folks take that dream a step further, acting on it. Sometimes metal-detection becomes a hobby, but rarely do people discover more than scrap metal or a few coins. Read about becoming a licensed beachcomber here.
What most people will look for on Wellfleet's ocean beaches, in 2012, are stones,
A blog reader named Lynn shared why she collects stones: "When we are on Cape every fall, I gather the stones that speak to me. Then, I have them to tuck into a coat pocket, or my handbag, and pile them in selected spots in my bathroom, so when I feel I am missing my spiritual home too much, I put them in the sink and see the colors come back to life in the water. It always restores me!"
What do you take home from a visit to the beach and why?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
More Reasons to Walk the Beach in Winter...
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (3)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Seagull Conference on the Harbor: Before & After
What do you folks think? Is there room in Wellfleet for two different theater options?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Seagull Conference on the Harbor: Before & After
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (3)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Dolphin Strandings Continue in Wellfleet
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Dolphin Strandings Continue in Wellfleet
Alexandra Grabbe
dolphin strandings|IFAW|Wellfleet|
Comments (12)

dolphin strandings,
Monday, January 23, 2012
What Makes Me Angry ...
I get angry when I read the umpteenth article on endocrine disruption and realize that life will go on as desired by the chemical industry with no change. Ignorant human beings will gain weight and develop diabetes, despite today’s news of a new study linking phthalates to childhood obesity. This morning also brought an ABC report on 300 chemicals detected in a nursery. (Express your approval of this type of investigation here.)
Yes, it’s true that enlightenment comes slowly ...
Recently there have been more articles on how to avoid toxic chemicals in food. Here's another. Food bloggers are big on the Internet, but, so far, they have not tackled toxins in food.
I only started studying these issues two and a half years ago, in my effort to prevent NStar from spraying Monsanto’s glyphosate, and four other nasty chemicals, under Cape Cod’s power lines to kill vegetation. One thing led to another and soon I realized Monsanto is an evil empire here on earth. The corporation has infiltrated our government and has been twisting arms to impose GMOs on Europe, for instance.
And, the USA? We’re already doomed unless someone does something fast. Monsanto has managed to bypass rigorous testing and sneak unlabeled GMOs into 80% of the food found on American grocery shelves. Last month NPR's Diane Rehm did a whole show on why GMOs should be labeled. Corn and HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup) remain the major offenders. Food Inc. explained how HFCS also makes us fat. It’s still possible to eat local and avoid GMOs, but for how long? Monsanto is buying up seed companies. Argh!!! (Read the latest on this dreadful corporation on the Organic Consumers Web site.)
Meanwhile, here on Cape Cod, NStar has not abandoned its plan to poison our sole-source aquifer with five toxic chemicals. One of them, glyphosate, has been shown to increase risk of birth defects in the unborn. The utility company will put their plan into action in the spring. If you are a pregnant woman on the Outer Cape, you do not want to be drinking unfiltered well water, since NStar already tested its spraying plan in certain areas. These toxic chemicals do not dissolve. They are not absorbed by the soil. In fact, they flow right through our sandbar-of-a-beautiful-tourist-destination into the aquifer. Activists proposed goats early on and NStar scoffed. Google uses goats at its headquarters in California. Why shouldn’t we have them here? Now Eastham has its own herd. Today’s New York Times reports goats are a great way to avoid herbicides, something we already knew, but, hey, it’s refreshing to see people are beginning to talk about it ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
1:04 PM
What Makes Me Angry ...
Alexandra Grabbe
Cape Cod|GMOs|herbicides|
Comments (11)

Cape Cod,
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Snow Follies in Wellfleet ...
Chez Sven had its first guests of the season,
Sven and I were having dinner with a friend: goat stew, fresh baked bread, salad. There came a rapping on our door. Chez Sven has three doors, and I never know which one to open. I went to the side door, which Wellfleetians usually use. No one there. So, I decided what we had heard must have been a particularly energetic chipmunk, shifting his stash of nuts around in the attic, or maybe a mouse caught in the Have-a-Heart trap?
Since Old King’s had not yet been plowed, access from Long Pond Road was the only option. But, our guest wanted to keep her new Prius out of drifting snow, an understandable request. We left the car in one of the town’s parking lots, drove her back to the cottage, and accompanied her to the car in the morning.
This winter Wellfleet has not seen bitter cold like 2011.
Unexpected snow can produce drama. I remember riding back to Vassar with a friend when the New York Thruway was summarily closed due to a snowstorm that no one had foreseen. Have you had any wild experiences, being stuck in snow?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:02 PM
Snow Follies in Wellfleet ...
Alexandra Grabbe
blogging in Wellfleet|snow|Wellfleet|
Comments (13)

blogging in Wellfleet,
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Sun Sets on Harbor Stage & Other WHAT Sparks
For years, W.H.A.T. (Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater) slept in the off-season.
This fall it was possible to find last-minute seats through Twitter.
For the last couple months WHAT has been acting like a dormant volcano, releasing steam from time to time, when in the past the sparks only flew in summer. The latest puff brings news Wellfleet lawyer Bruce Bierhans has been named CEO. (Read this report in the Barnstable Patriot.) Bruce has already proved his competence working with Outer Cape Health Services and Prez. Hall. (When does this man sleep? He also maintains a full schedule as a trial lawyer and even takes time to read this blog!)
WHAT began modestly, by the harbor.
Expansion created the magnificent Julie Harris Stage on Route 6 and a summer program for kids in a tent nearby. Now come more sparks, word that the harbor venue will be eliminated since the landlord wants to recover the space. (Did someone say rent increase?) I can imagine how nostalgic many old-time theatergoers feel about this decision, but frankly, the peanut-gallery type seating left much to be desired. Elimination of the harbor stage presents a way of cutting costs. What will happen to the sign on the roof of the building? Can this Wellfleet landmark please be saved somehow?
Do you attend plays at WHAT in summer? What play did you enjoy the most?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Sun Sets on Harbor Stage & Other WHAT Sparks
Alexandra Grabbe
Bruce Bierhans|Julie Harris Stage|Wellfleet|WHAT theater|
Comments (15)

Bruce Bierhans,
Julie Harris Stage,
WHAT theater
Friday, January 20, 2012
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (4)

Thursday, January 19, 2012
Wellfleet Vs. Boston: A Dozen Differences
1.) Pedestrians in Boston/Cambridge ride the subway and walk around with their eyes fixed on a smart phone or Kindle. Pedestrians in Wellfleet look up to admire the view.
2.) Wellfleet has one museum, and it’s only open in summer. Boston even offers free museum days, last Monday, for instance, Martin Luther King Day. (In Boston/Cambridge, Wellfleetians can go museum-wild, using passes from the public library.)
3.) In Boston, you can see elderly folks riding the bus, with walkers. In Wellfleet, not so much.
4.) The pace is frenetic in the city. In Wellfleet, people take their time, except in high season.
5.) Boston offers more options for organic food. To buy organic, you don’t have to jump in a car and travel 20 minutes away.
6.) Dinner in a good city restaurant is more affordable, dramatically so.
7.) Like ethnic cuisine? Boston offers Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indian, Japanese, Portuguese, French, etc.
8.) Eat gluten-free? It’s possible to find whole gluten-free restaurants in the city.
9.) Urban crime is always a possibility so people lock doors. Still, neighbors tend to know each other, which is less likely in Wellfleet with 72% of the housing stock being owned by non-residents.
10.) If I photographed a random group of people on the street in Wellfleet, the median age would be maybe 50. The general population in Boston feels younger, due to the large numbers of students rushing everywhere.
11.) In Boston, pharmacy checkout is now by machine. In Wellfleet we can still stand at a counter and interact with trained personnel.
12.) In Wellfleet, oysters can be found by the bucket, fresh off the flats. They cost $1 an oyster at Mac’s Seafood in Eastham. At Legal Seafood, a platter of six Wellfleets costs $13.95.
Some of you live in the city year-round. Can you add to this list?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Wellfleet Vs. Boston: A Dozen Differences
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (14)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
President Obama Denies Keystone Pipeline
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:46 PM
President Obama Denies Keystone Pipeline
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (1)

Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (7)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
In Which I Share a Homework Assignment
A ray of sunshine angled through the broken Venetian blind, causing Heather to open her eyes and peer around the bedroom. The excitement of the previous day came flooding back. For months she had looked forward to this trip to Paris, a high school graduation present. As planned, her father’s cousin had met the Air France jet at Orly. Heather felt as if she already knew Lisa because they had exchanged so many aerograms. Lisa had taken Heather to a real café and bought croissants for lunch. Since her stomach had been tied in knots, she hadn’t eaten much. The café was located a short distance from Le Bon Marche, the department store where the former model said she had once worked. At least, that was what Heather had understood. Lisa was definitely still glamorous despite advanced age. Sixty? Seventy? After a taxi ride around the city, Lisa had escorted her here to meet Princess Dadiani who had inherited this four-bedroom apartment, rue Constant Coquelin, and took in paying guests. The women had exchanged kisses, but did not seem very happy to see each other, perhaps because Juliana Dadiani had family visiting, two rambunctious little girls with blond hair, and a niece, with what looked like a recent black eye? There was nothing but tea for supper, since the family ate their main meal at noon. While the two adults discussed alimony, Heather had roughhoused with the children. How the halls had resounded with their cries of glee! Now all Heather could hear was a door closing somewhere. Outside pigeons cooed. Yes, there they were, two pigeons strutting along a nearby roof. She tried to open the window but couldn’t make the latch-bolt work. Drapes covered a second window. Heather parted them only to discover a brick wall.
She dropped the house key in her purse and proceeded down the corridor. The apartment was loud in its silence. Narrow parquet boards creaked beneath her feet. In the kitchen, an elderly woman was making borscht. She said something friendly in Russian and wiped beet-red hands on a dirty apron. Heather shrugged and pointed at her stomach. The cook poured some café au lait into a pitcher and carried bread with butter and jam into the darkened dining room.
After breakfast, Heather went for a long walk along rue Duroc, lined with stylish clothing shops. She sat down on a bench and spent half an hour writing postcards.
“Bon-jour?” the American teenager called out tentatively, opening the apartment door at lunchtime. The dining room table was set for two. Ah! Surely Princess Dadiani would be home soon.
Once Heather had washed her hands, she hurried back to the table. A stranger, dressed in a soiled business suit, sat erect in one of the seats, eating radishes. He was big, with thick glasses and greasy brown hair. The man gestured for her to sit down. “Have some crudités,” he said.
Heather chose two longish radishes and broke off a piece of baguette.
“Eat them with butter,” the man advised, shoving a butter dish across the table.
Heather made herself a small radish sandwich but refused seconds. Her companion rang a silver bell. The cook placed two platters on the table. Heather looked down and confronted the dorade that was to be her nourishment for the day. The stranger was too busy carving out his fish’s eye to notice her consternation. “The best part,” he said with a flourish of his fork.
The sea bream, accompanied by three perfect potatoes, was crusted with slivers of almonds. And, it still had its head on …
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
In Which I Share a Homework Assignment
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (12)

Monday, January 16, 2012
Harriet Korim Summarizes MLK Day March

Please find the address for donations in the comment section.

Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:33 PM
Harriet Korim Summarizes MLK Day March
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (2)

Box Lunch, the Best Little Sandwich Shop on Cape Cod
Kathy MacNutt always greets customers with a smile. She's happy to offer suggestions to newcomers. Her favorite? “The John Alden, I guess. Though I do love the Chicken Parmesan. It’s hot and gooey.”
Box Lunch is a great place to hang out if you want to absorb some true Wellfleet atmosphere, too. There are always shellfishermen and carpenters stopping by.
I often tell guests about Box Lunch. They can call ahead and pick up the makings of a super picnic fifteen minutes later. Every minute matters in the life of some tourists, especially in summer.
Over the years the MacNutts have employed guest workers from 7 or 8 different countries, with Lithuania, Russia and Moldavia as the most frequently represented. 12 to 14 young people help Kathy and Owen out in high season.
When Sven and I stopped by two days ago, Box Lunch smelled of bacon since a recent customer had ordered a BLT.
“Bye, bye. Take care,” Kathy said to a regular, who had just complimented her on the kale soup, Saturday's special. “We feed the working guys during the week," she told me. "We have the best clam chowder around, made by Owen when he doesn’t break his arm.
(Last week Kathy’s husband Owen had a freak accident, smashing his elbow, and won’t be making his famous chowder during the recovery period. We wish him a speedy recovery!)
I asked Kathy what she likes about the job:
Box Lunch is one of the only restaurants in town to stay open year long, from 9 to 2:30, which is quite an achievement. Who hasn’t called ahead, in summer, in order to avoid waiting in line?
Owen and Kathy MacNutt can be proud of what they have achieved. Box Lunch has been so successful that it became a franchise, with eight Cape stores and two off Cape. Ten restaurants represents a whole lot of sandwiches. And, don't forget, it all started in Wellfleet ...
Have you ever eaten at Box Lunch? What do you order? Anyone tried the "guac?"
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Box Lunch, the Best Little Sandwich Shop on Cape Cod
Alexandra Grabbe
Box Lunch|food safety|sandwiches. Cape Cod|Welllfleet|
Comments (4)

Box Lunch,
food safety,
sandwiches. Cape Cod,
Sunday, January 15, 2012
What's Wellfleet Like in Winter?
Action, on Main Street, could be found at the clothing store Off Center, which was holding its annual mega sale.
"Would you mind taking my picture?" one matron asked.
Clever! A cell phone image is better than no image whatsoever.
The sale continues today until 5 pm. Off Center will turn into Filene's Basement again on President's Weekend.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
12:36 PM
What's Wellfleet Like in Winter?
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (1)

Saturday, January 14, 2012
Seeking Eco-minded Visitors to Wellfleet: Your Opinion Is Solicited
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Seeking Eco-minded Visitors to Wellfleet: Your Opinion Is Solicited
Alexandra Grabbe
composting|Long Pond|recycling|Wellfleet|
Comments (4)

Long Pond,
Friday, January 13, 2012
What's Up this Weekend in Wellfleet?
There will be two concerts featuring the Higher Praise Gospel Choir on Sunday. Check the Prez. Hall Web site for details.
Cape Cool is holding is annual Martin Luther King Day walk and potluck on Monday. The 2012 walk will be especially, well, cool because it’s a tenth anniversary celebration. Come join your neighbors at noon and stay for lunch. Looks like the meeting point this year is Prez. Hall. While we’re on the subject of Cape Cool, please hop over to Harriet's blog and think on her words.
And, mark your calendar for two worthwhile upcoming events:
1.) Mac’s Seafood will be celebrating Groundhog Day with a seven-course dinner at Prez. Hall. “A Taste of Local Food: Wellfleet in Winter” promises more than just good eats. Come learn about the local food movement. Tickets cost $65 and will support WCAI and Prez. Hall. The fun starts at 6 pm.
2.) Wellfleet's 250th Anniversary Committee is holding a brainstorming session, open to the public, on February 4th at 10 AM, Council on Aging. I know you all have lots of ideas, so do share them at this meeting.
What do you think of the post offices closings across the nation? Is your post office in danger of ceasing to exist?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
What's Up this Weekend in Wellfleet?
Alexandra Grabbe
local food|Mac's Seafood|Wellfeet Preservation Hall|Wellfleet|
Comments (14)

Thursday, January 12, 2012
Methods of Wellfleet Navigation (Part 3, Air)
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Methods of Wellfleet Navigation (Part 3, Air)
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (6)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Methods of Wellfleet Navigation (Part 2, Water)
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Methods of Wellfleet Navigation (Part 2, Water)
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (1)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Methods of Wellfleet Navigation (Part 1, Land)
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Methods of Wellfleet Navigation (Part 1, Land)
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (4)

Monday, January 09, 2012
Navigation Series Introduction
What is your favorite means of transportation?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Navigation Series Introduction
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (5)

Sunday, January 08, 2012
Bonus Post: Beachcomber Sunrise
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:46 PM
Bonus Post: Beachcomber Sunrise
Alexandra Grabbe
Beachcomber|Cahoon Hollow Beach|sunrise|Wellfleet|
Comments (10)

Cahoon Hollow Beach,
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