This week Sven and I journeyed to Harwich to choose a rug for under the vintage table in the dining room. Before starting Chez Sven, I had bought a braided rug at an estate sale but the edges have come unraveled, so it was time for a serious upgrade. We found the rug of our dreams at the Cape Cod Braided Rug Company, located on Great Western Road. (There’s an online sale going on that ends today, so you might want to check out the Web site for items that are 10% off.)
The showroom is chock-a-block with marvelous braided rugs, each more appealing than the next.
Mary told us that the company
had been in the same family for four generations but was purchased a year or two ago by Tom and Nancy Benton. Their enthusiasm for maintaining traditions is obvious as you walk around the showroom. Now it’s possible to watch while the rugs are handcrafted on an enormous table in the rear of the building. Here’s a local activity our guests will love! Tours are held Monday through Thursday, from 9 to 4:30, but Mary suggested coming in the afternoon to see how the machines work.
Mary told us customers will flock
While in the factory, we discovered a 3 X 5 Match Hill on sale that will work perfectly in Liberty Coin Suite. We headed for home having ordered one rug, with another under our arm. I was especially glad to support a local industry. The "braiders" at the Braided Rug Company use the best natural material – Mary mentioned a recent switch to wool from Canada since it contains no synthetics – and employ a method that has existed in New England since Colonial times. “For a foreigner, from Europe, I really like those rugs,” said Sven. “What could be more traditionally American?” I think he said it all, don’t you?