Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tough Times Ahead ...

The Federal Government is cutting back. Familiar blue mailboxes in town have been disappearing. The mailbox in front of the public library is gone, as are the three that used to stand at the post office door. On television, Suze Ormon is hawking her Action Plan for 2009. “Only spend money for what you need, not for what you desire,” she intones. The economic meltdown and Ormon's resultant philosophy have created a nation in lock-down mode money-wise and this trend is showing in our reservations. I cannot help but be reminded of a comment my mother made about a brass bowl purchased at an Eldreds’ auction in Dennis: “I bought it because it seemed, to me, to be beautiful. Of course, I didn’t need it. But one does not need a sunset.” Yes, we do, Mother! We all need sunsets more than ever in these difficult times.