Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sneak Preview

Sven and I have been busy moving furniture. We do not have the set-up completely right yet, but I thought a preview might be nice. Tomorrow we will hang the curtains. The urn-post bed from Liberty Coin Suite is now in the General’s Green Room. The pencil post bed from Eldred Wheeler is now in Liberty Coin Suite. We are happy with the exchange. Wonderful Audrey Danforth hung the wallpaper for us and finished today. The general is my grandfather, Alexander Grabbe, in the photo to the right, who was in charge of the Konvoy and a friend to Nicholas II, in as much as a monarch can have a friend. Of course, the General lost everything at the Revolution, except his life. My father wrote about their escape from Russia in Windows on the Neva. Sven thinks we should hang the portrait of my grandmother in this room as well…