Every once and a while we recommend stops along the way to Wellfleet. An easy off, easy on from Route 6 is Hunan Gourmet, a Chinese restaurant located in a small shopping center at Exit 12 in Orleans. The buffet features a wide variety of tasty dishes, and you can eat your fill for only $12. What Sven and I especially like is the fast service. When hunger pangs hit and Wellfleet is still twenty miles away, Hunan Gourmet is a great place for dinner.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Along the Way ...
Every once and a while we recommend stops along the way to Wellfleet. An easy off, easy on from Route 6 is Hunan Gourmet, a Chinese restaurant located in a small shopping center at Exit 12 in Orleans. The buffet features a wide variety of tasty dishes, and you can eat your fill for only $12. What Sven and I especially like is the fast service. When hunger pangs hit and Wellfleet is still twenty miles away, Hunan Gourmet is a great place for dinner.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
12:16 PM
Along the Way ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Why Filter Water?
Our renovation is almost complete. We are waiting for the tile to be installed in the pantry, so the plumber can hook up the water faucet with its PUR filters. Here is the fancy new faucet in the kitchen sink before the trim went in. I think about water a lot these days. While researching Lyme Disease, I read that high levels of DEET have been found in Chicago’s drinking water. This spring we had a report of chemicals from medicine seeping into ground water in various cities across the country. In the sixties, Tom Lehrer sang, “Just one thing of which we must beware – don’t drink the water and don’t breath the air.” It seemed like a joke back then. Now the lyrics from ”Pollution” don’t seem so funny. Indeed, they feel almost prophetic. Watch what you put in your mouth. Plastic bottles, lead toys, H2O that has not been filtered … This week brought a brief report on the news stating the current administration has increased the number of steps required to identify contaminants in water. This is scary because the long process discourages their identification …
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:59 AM
Why Filter Water?
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, April 27, 2008
Sneak Preview
Sven and I have been busy moving furniture.
We do not have the set-up completely right yet, but I thought a preview might be nice. Tomorrow we will hang the curtains. The urn-post bed from Liberty Coin Suite is now in the General’s Green Room. The pencil post bed from Eldred Wheeler is now in Liberty Coin Suite. We are happy with the exchange. Wonderful Audrey Danforth hung the wallpaper for us and finished today. The general is my grandfather, Alexander Grabbe, in the photo to the right, who was in charge of the Konvoy and a friend to Nicholas II, in as much as a monarch can have a friend. Of course, the General lost everything at the Revolution, except his life. My father wrote about their escape from Russia in Windows on the Neva. Sven thinks we should hang the portrait of my grandmother in this room as well…
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
5:49 PM
Sneak Preview
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Warm Weather = Let's Go To Wellfleet!!
I did not intend to blog today, but the beautiful weather has
brought inquiries for weekend accommodation, and Seagull Cottage is booked already. Sven and I are both madly painting. I am finishing up the windows in the new green room. Sven is touching up the outdoor furniture. The refrigerator is still stored in the Studio. We have hopes that the carpenters will return Friday to finish a few odd jobs, including installation of the fridge and the dishwasher. Since I am not 100% sure they will come, I am afraid we cannot have guests in the main house yet. There is availability for the first weekend in May, however. Since there is no time to go to the beach, I thought I would share this photo with everyone out there who has been dreaming of summer today ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:19 PM
Warm Weather = Let's Go To Wellfleet!!
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Happy Earth Day!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:17 PM
Happy Earth Day!
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, April 21, 2008
The Latest on Bees and Pollution
Our neighbor drove over with his Bobcat and dug up the roots
in the vegetable garden yesterday. We have not been able to totally eliminate them, unfortunately, but at least we will be able to plant Sven's beloved potatoes. Earlier, I was sitting out in the garden, admiring the dark red shoots of the peonies, so different from the rest of the vegetation around Seagull Cottage. Then a bee buzzed by, reminding me of the fact that bees are disappearing. I wondered whether the busy bee in my garden came from Helen Wilson's hives, several miles away? No bees means no pollination, a disaster for our food supply. Today comes word of research in the United Kingdom pointing to pollution as one of the problems. Here is another example of how the modern world has a very negative impact on our natural environment. Read the article here.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:59 AM
The Latest on Bees and Pollution
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, April 19, 2008
Wellfleet Restaurants Open Early in 2008
Guests came to Seagull Cottage again last evening, up from New York and eager for a rest. She's from Switzerland. He's from South Africa. Sven has already brought them round this morning to peek at the floor in the new wing. They are off to P-town, whale-watching.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
12:03 PM
Wellfleet Restaurants Open Early in 2008
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, April 17, 2008
Provincetown in the News
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:48 PM
Provincetown in the News
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Dealing with the Reality of Ticks on Cape Cod
Springtime brings warmth and sunlight but also a more unwelcome aspect to daily life: vigilance with regard to ticks. Deer ticks start searching for their next meal as soon as the temperatures rise. I am hoping Oprah will do a show about Lyme Disease, spread by ticks, now a problem in almost every state in the country, which would increase awareness. Researchers have discovered that ticks not only travel on deer and mice but also on birds as well.
The tick population of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket has increased so dramatically that people speak of an epidemic. We have ticks here on Cape Cod, too. Last year I wrote a flyer about Lyme, which can be obtained from the Wellfleet Health Department. Once warm weather arrives, use bug spray to repel ticks. If ticks succeed in reaching your skin, they will transmit bacteria after 24 to 48 hours, so early removal is critical. When working in the garden, I tuck pants into socks, a doubtful fashion statement but a worthwhile precaution. Finally, I do a tick check every evening before bed and recommend guests do likewise.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:32 AM
Dealing with the Reality of Ticks on Cape Cod
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, April 14, 2008
An April Day in the Life
Why is it that the sunshine in Wellfleet always seems brighter than anywhere else? We are having one of those sparkling days that make this town so popular. If I had the time, I would walk to Dyer Pond to catch the sunbeams dancing on the surface of the water. But, time is scarce, with doctors’ visits scheduled for both me and Sven all month.
I went to Neighborhood Auto to fetch a new battery, then gardened a bit below the swollen Persian lilac buds. I had expected the floor sanders to come. The contractor just called to say they would probably be here tomorrow instead. The service trade folks are in high demand as Wellfleet revs up for yet another season. Yesterday night Sven and I removed everything from the two rooms, so at least all is set for the job. I have not finished painting, but there are lots of other things to do. It seems like an innkeeper’s work is never done. I will iron pillow cases, if I can find the ironing board and iron. The shells on the northern side of the house were spread partially on earth, so I am digging it up and evening the line, grateful to be outside, covered with bug spray, free to enjoy this beautiful day.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
12:07 PM
An April Day in the Life
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, April 12, 2008
A Lot of Work!
Do you know what I hear? Raindrops, on the skylights.
Thunder, in the distance. Then church bells, down at the Congregational Church. Sometimes, when the surf is up, we can also hear the waves, pounding at the shore, two miles away. Today is yet another painting day. We are trying to get the country kitchen walls and trim done before the men come in on Monday to sand the old pine floors. Audrey is in the new Green Room, putting the final touches on the wallpaper. Here Sven fiddles with one of the blue doors. They all need a fresh coat of paint. What a lot of work renovation can be!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:02 PM
A Lot of Work!
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, April 10, 2008
Uncle Tim's Bridge & Renovation Update
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:24 PM
Uncle Tim's Bridge & Renovation Update
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, April 06, 2008
Renovating Hardware
Sven has been busy renovating hardware: doorknobs and hinges. In the past homeowners painted over hinges. Sven was delighted to show me our hinges were engraved "Baldwin." Meanwhile, I was posting availability for Seagull Cottage on the Wellfleet Chamber of Commerce site, a new feature that works like a blog. Check it out here.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:12 AM
Renovating Hardware
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, April 04, 2008
Musical Beds
Since guests are coming to Seagull Cottage for the weekend, Sven and I moved out this afternoon. The electricity is on in the main house. Yesterday the counter-top was installed.
The plumber came this morning, but his effort to provide us with water in the sink failed, since the fancy faucet from England did not work without the spray attachment, and only two holes had been drilled in the counter-top. The heat is also not yet working, but we do have a heater, so will be cozy and warm tonight, sleeping in Liberty Coin Suite. I wonder how many other innkeepers play musical beds this way?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
2:03 PM
Musical Beds
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, April 03, 2008
In Need of Serenity ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:36 PM
In Need of Serenity ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Introducing the Green Room's Private Bath ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
5:28 PM
Introducing the Green Room's Private Bath ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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