I get up at 7 and down a quick cup of coffee and cereal.

Our guests from Montreal are leaving and want to eat early, so I set the table and get everything ready for breakfast. Sven is up early, too, off to the garage with the Volvo for a tire change. Outside the grass has grown several inches from all that rain. The sun shines for a second day in a row, and the sky is bright blue. I make a mental note to ask Sven to mow the lawn. The birds are singing, relieved that the wind and rain are finally over, at least for a while. Bad weather is deadly for the local economy. Cape Cod had several inches of rain. It has made all the flowers grow. Our reservations have slowed because Summer 2006 is almost entirely booked.

We have decided to make the Studio available, too. This weekend Sven and I completed a quick renovation job on our third bathroom, the one Studio guests share with us. We did a trial run with the Canadians, who felt so comfortable that they decided not to move over to the cottage for their last night after all. Sharing the bathroom worked out fine. While I wait for our newlyweds to awake in Liberty Coin Suite, I contemplate an order for sheets. This Anna Sova 100% organic cotton, 325 thread count, feels like linen. My “swamp” guests left yesterday with a Cuddledown catalogue. That’s how enamored they were of the Chez Sven sleeping experience.

They also commented on the down pillows. (I call them “swamp” guests because they were in Wellfleet to photograph the White Cedar Swamp. I can't wait to see their photos. For more of mine: 4/11 blog. Their comments remind me that a good Bed & Breakfast is, after all, bed and breakfast, in equal parts. Both need to be top-notch if customers are to return.) I fill out the Cuddledown order form, in order to obtain another blanket for the Studio.

Then I hear a truck coming up the road. It is the UPS man with a delivery from
Emz Blendz. I ran out of her lavender sugar scrub and am delighted to have more. That is one of the perks of running a green bed & breakfast. When you search out amazing products for your guests, you get to use them, too! This year Emily has introduced a pear bubble bath. The sample I tried made the house smell so heavenly that I purchased a supply for summer guests.

I am placing the Anna Sova order when unusual visitors cross the yard, a mother turkey and three chicks. Out I rush to snap this photo, which proves more complicated than I would have thought. Wild turkeys blend in with the surroundings ... We have been full for several days and it is only mid-June. This afternoon I intend to take a break from bed & breakfasting. It feels like laundry and breakfast and cleaning is all I have been doing recently. Maybe we’ll even get to the beach for a spell? …