How many times have I gone to the CVS on Main Street in Orleans to pick up a prescription and received a less than stellar welcome from the customer service team! I think I’ve even “raised my voice” on occasion. In summer, you might as well bring a book to read while you wait, that is, if the traffic was moving and you managed to reach Orleans in a timely fashion ... Therefore, I am among those absolutely delighted by the advent of a spanking new pharmacy that will open in Wellfleet this spring. Seems there’s a 29-mile stretch without prescription drugs. That situation is about to be rectified. Last week Outer Cape Health Services sent the following update: “As part of the federal government’s 340B program, OCHS will receive significant savings on pharmaceuticals, savings which we’ll pass on to our patients. Not an OCHS patient? Not to worry. All members of the public will be able to fill any legitimate prescription at the new pharmacy, which means no more driving 20 minutes or more to access important medications.” And, the kicker? The temporary location for the next few years is at the foot of Old King's Highway, a two-minute walk from Chez Sven.