Sunday, June 20, 2010

Got Strawberries?

I try not to serve guests regular store-bought strawberries because they are laden with pesticides. Hatch's, on the town hall parking lot, and Phoenix Fruit in Orleans carry strawberries produced by growers who raise crops that are pesticide-free.

You may have already signed a petition against a new pesticide, methyl iodide, which some strawberry farmers in California hope to use. Scientists are against: “This is without question one of the most toxic chemicals on earth," said John Froines, professor of environmental health sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles. Please read the full New York Times article that explains the implications for the rest of the country. The chemical is known to be a neurotoxin, as well as developmentally toxic, and an endocrine disruptor. Oh, and it causes breast cancer. The deadline to tell California State regulators to reject methyl iodide and urge the EPA to ban it is June 29. Sign the petition here.

Speaking of berries, the Historical Society is holding its annual Strawberry Festival this afternoon, from 2 to 4, at the Methodist Church. Strawberries that are organic? Non-organic? Hmmm ....

If you miss the Strawberry Festival, get yourself some strawberries without pesticides and try MarthaandMe's recipe for yummy strawberry shortcake ...