Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Update on the Newcomb Hollow Shipwreck

This morning my stat counter showed 87 page loads, surprising to see as the sun rises over Seagull Cottage, the same number as yesterday although the time is only 7:44. Apparently someone from New York discovered the blog and read a lot of past entries overnight. Return visitors seem to have stabilized with around three dozen per day. There were not as many people visiting Newcomb Hollow Beach yesterday. Sven and I went down to check on the shipwreck. It is still visible in the sand, although the ocean seems to have lifted it higher onto the beach and brought it closer to the parking lot, although this impression may be an illusion. We also noticed a lot of erosion. A frigid wind was blowing as we made our way towards what remains of the old schooner’s hull. Even Sven complained of being cold, highly unusual for someone who used to live above the Arctic Circle. The shipwreck has been visible for over a year now. Last winter the beach had visitors every weekend, not satisfied with a simple image in the newspaper. On some weekends the parking lot was full (Feb. 4, 2008 post). People had to see for themselves and touch the waterlogged timbers, despite the National Seashore sign, gone now. The shipwreck continues to solicit interest, although no longer news. The frigid sky was bright blue, perfect for photographs, so I took a few to share with blog readers.