I have had a request for a photo of Dyer Pond in the snow. No snow yet, but the air had a feel of winter this week, late afternoon. The cold winds today remind us that 2008 is drawing to a close. At Chez Sven, over the past year, we have been fortunate to receive dozens of charming people, each exceptional in his/her own way. When guests are open to conversation, Sven and I enjoy sharing our life experience with them. Often, they will do the same. Here are just a few of the interesting topics discussed at the breakfast table over the past months:
participation in Renaissance fairs throughout the county,
getting up early to milk cows on an organic dairy farm,
mixed feelings about boot camp prior to government assignment in Afghanistan,
restoration of ancient documents in Britain,
creation of new wallpaper designs,
enjoying a second education due to a new job helping a deaf student at college.
To our surprise, we have discovered innkeeping provides ample opportunity to learn about the world. Innkeeping also creates a situation that allows personal contact in an informal fashion. I have noticed that the people who chose Chez Sven often feel the same way about this exchange. Here is what one guest had to say: “Our daughter still talks about the Ice Hotel pictures Sven showed her. One of our favorite things about the B&B experiences we have had over the years is getting to know everyone through their unique life experiences.”