Yesterday the sirens were screeching off and on all day. We do not like sirens, because they signify someone's in trouble, someone may be on their way to the hospital. It was not a good day to be traveling down to Hyannis by ambulance. With rain and fog, tourists deserted the beaches and took their cars onto Route 6. Our cottage guests got stuck in traffic caused by a morning accident near Lieutenant Island Road. The head-on collision killed a man from Truro and injured five others. I was thinking about how different Wellfleet becomes in summer. People rush, chaos ensues. Their agenda is vacation, not work. Not that there is anything wrong with being on vacation.
I used to be a tourist, too. I found a blog by a tourist who captures the excitement well. She allowed me to quote from her blog: "I'm sitting on the lawn with a gin and tonic. The funny old Yankee who owns the house is puttering around fixing things. Youngest is reading a magazine beside me, and E is chatting about salad. We've done the beach, we've done the town. In two short days we've established routines. Walk for a latté in the morning, discuss the plans for the day over pastry, hit the beach for low tide, back to the house for showers,
town for amusement, the lawn for drinks, inside for dinner, sit around and laugh, take turns walking a baby, give attention to a nephew, football on the lawn, guitars after dinner, lots of wine and cheese, fall into bed early, church bells in the distance.”
Sounds like a nice vacation. I found
Say La Vee because I was Googling for news of Caleb Potter, injured in a second major accident that happened yesterday. Since no Medivac helicopter was available, Caleb was transferred to Cape Cod Hospital in an ambulance. I know Caleb’s mother, Sharon. Everyone in Wellfleet knows Sharyn. For years she used to bring her boys over at Christmas with flowers for my elderly mom. Mother always kept a few chocolate bars to give the boys in return. Now Caleb needs our prayers. Friends have hung signs like the one above all over town. Everyone is talking about the accident and worrying about Caleb.

The latest I heard was that he had been transferred to Mass General in Boston. Prayer circles have been organized every day at 11 am and 9 pm. For updates on his condition, click