When I was a teenager, I put Keats’ poem “Innisfree” to music and would sing the words while strumming my guitar:
“I will arise and go now,
And go to Innisfree …”
The second verse begins
“And I will find some peace there,
for peace comes dropping slow,
dropping from the veils of morning
to where the cricket sings …”
The poem is, in fact, all about nature and finding peace in nature. Wellfleet

offers Nature with a capital N, thanks to the National Seashore, which makes up 62% of the town. Folks in search of the ideal bed & breakfast sometimes look for a water view. There are a few, pricey options, in Wellfleet.

Here at Chez Sven, we suggest walking the beach or the woods, or just watching birds at the Seagull Cottage feeder to find peace. We have had folks up from Manhattan who simply wanted to sit outside at night and admire the stars. Reading comments in our Guestbook is a great way to perceive what past guests have experienced.

As regular readers know, I love walking Lecount Hollow beach. There is beauty even in the stark cliff side of a dune. Yesterday I commented to Sven about how peaceful the garden is now with Siberian irises and peonies in bloom. Memorial Day weekend was the busiest yet on Cape Cod, and come July, I know there will be loud voices breaking the silence in our small piece of paradise, unaware that they are destroying the peace so many people come to these woods to find. June is a great time for a vacation ...