The Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce has come up with a great promotional idea.

Announcing the first edition of Arts & Artisans Trails, a guide on how to locate and enjoy local art. The editors propose seven trails across Cape Cod and the islands. Now tourists can set out, guide in hand, to visit real artists who live from their art, not an easy undertaking in today’s corporate world, and watch them create on the premises. The book features potters, painters, sculptors, jewelers, woodworkers, and much more, 200 in all. I cannot wait to have the time to discover their studios, tucked away along the byways of towns I do not usually visit, like Dennis, which has an astounding number of working artists – 12!
The Cape Cod Chamber has given each trail a name. Wellfleet is part of the Great Dunes Trail.

Our town offers a glassworks, five art galleries, and two potteries, with details on hours of operation. Narrow Land Pottery on Route 6, already open on weekends, is the closest entry to Chez Sven. Potter Joe McCaffery was wrapping up bowls someone had just purchased when I went in to say hello. In a back room, pots stood waiting to be glazed.
For a truly unusual experience, discover the art of Cape Cod this spring, summer, or fall.

Purchase your own guide so that you will know where you want to go once you get here. It contains so much information that everyone should read through prior to arrival. Arts & Artisans is available from the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce. To reserve your copy, call 888-33-CAPECOD.