GoNewport had invited me to participate at their March event, “It is Easy Being Green,” a panel on Eco-Tourism.
After a quick introduction by Kathryn Farrington, GoNewport V.P. of Marketing, and short speeches by two local personalities, I explained why Chez Sven is green, and what the challenges and advantages are. All members of the panel agreed that the single most important thing one can do is set a good example and spread the word.
Sven cheered me on and claims I was the most articulate of all the speakers, enthusiasm which does not surprise me, under the circumstances. I found the discussion of biodiesel particularly fascinating.
Afterwards, Sven & I were given a VIP pass. We stayed at lovely Ivy Lodge, close by the mansions of Newport, and toured the Breakers with a guide who kept mentioning Anderson Cooper’s connection to the Vanderbilt family.
It was encouraging to see a County Convention & Visitors Bureau take such an initiative. I felt pleased to have been able to share our experience at Chez Sven and only wish the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce would organize a similar event.