Last year I attended a meeting on the town’s future. One of the Selectmen said that never, in his wildest dreams, could he have imagined all the renovation projects that would be undertaken downtown during his tenure. It is true. Wellfleet has had a serious facelift. Main Street retains its weathered charm, but everywhere storefronts sparkle with fresh paint. The sound of hammers and saws blends into the regular Quiet-Season hum. There’s a whole lot of building going on...
Last winter Marshall Smith, an entrepreneur from Boston, waved a magic wand over Lema’s, and it metamorphosed into Wellfleet Marketplace. An amusing rendition of the store's contents can be admired on the windows.

Across the street, Aesop’s tables were stored away. The well-established restaurant beside Town Hall

We cannot leave Main Street without mention of the stately old house

Out on Route 6, Rookies restaurant sports brand new shingles, a regional Catholic Church will rise on land adjacent to Consider the Lilies,

And wait, that’s not all. Gourmet chefs, prick up your ears! The Lighthouse, smack-dab in the middle of Main Street, is up for grabs. Eric’s on Route 6 can also be purchased. Ditto for Captain Higgins, on Wellfleet harbor. Looks like soon our little town will have so many good restaurants that I will not know where to send guests for dinner!