The alarm clock awakened me at 7:15. I had breakfast and showered, then started preparing breakfast for our guests, scheduled for 8:30. I believe in choice and always provide one. Guests can eat at 8:30, 9, 9:30 or 10. I checked on Sven, still sleeping soundly after his return yesterday from Sweden, and suggested he wake up.

The first thing he did last night was pick cherry tomatoes in the vegetable garden and water, with the help of Teddie, in Seagull Cottage this week with her parents. Our Liberty Coin Suite guests had lived in Turkey. After their breakfast, Sven enjoyed talking archeology with them out in the parking lot, but I was already back inside, stripping the beds. Laundry time! I vacuumed the rooms and cleaned with Trader’s Joe’s Cedarwood & Sage Multi-purpose Cleaner. Through the skylights I admired the bright blue sky. More good weather is predicted for the rest of the week, with cool temps at night, perfect for sleeping. Meanwhile Sven was having coffee with Rick, here to install a new screen door in the cottage. Since guests are arriving for the Studio as well as Liberty Coin Suite, Sven then helped me clean the Studio. (Anyone who is thinking of starting a bed & breakfast needs to realize the amount of cleaning involved!) All morning I fielded phone calls for August. I gave Sven a lesson in answering the phone, in case I am away: "I'm sorry but we are fully booked until after Labor Day." One of the phone calls was from a woman in Croton-on-Hudson who is starting a green bed & breakfast. She will be on the Cape at the end of the month, and wanted to come visit. I said, “Sure!” The more green bed & breakfasts in the world the better. I just read that 1 in 166 babies today is born with autism. I think of that statistic every time I remove plastic bottles from trash baskets and put them in the recycling bin. We have become the throwaway civilization, polutting the planet.

Something in the environment is causing autism, lowering sperm counts, disrupting estrogen receptors. I called my son and learned about a theory that autism may, in fact, be caused by the MMR vacine. Our most recent guests had take out every evening, so I was able to note which restaurants in town offer biodegradable recepticles. The prize goes to Wicked Oyster so far.

They care enough about the environment to invest in biopaks. Bravo! I placed the Green Guide in prominence on the bedside table, so our next guests can read it. …