Saturday, July 24, 2010

Guests Rave about WHAT’s Born Yesterday

We had the most amazing guests from Great Britain, filmmakers of science documentaries, who had recently retired and crossed the ocean on the QE2. I was sorry Sven missed meeting them. These folks packed a lot into their two days on the Outer Cape with a trip to Provincetown, dinner at Wicked Oyster and The Juice, cocktails at Pearl (“Cape Cod margaritas”). And, what they considered the pearl of their stay, an evening of theater at WHAT. Over breakfast yesterday, the two could not stop raving about Dan Lombardo’s Born Yesterday: “Just fantastic!” Jackie said. “You are so fortunate to have that theater. The actors were excellent. The theater’s a gem. Well-directed, well produced, well-acted. ” Martin joined us at the breakfast table and picked the thread right up: “Great play. Really, really good. Acting was excellent. The actress was brilliant. It stood up very well to metropolitan theater. Should have been full but it wasn’t. Really good for foreigners, too. About American greed …” Born Yesterday is playing through the end of July. Sounds like an interesting play, one that is very pertinent to what's going on in our world today …